Big Holiday Sale – Right Now!

We are having 10% off for new customers and we also offer discounts for sales over $100. 

BUT TELL US YOU SAW THIS SALE ON OUR WEBSITE!  Call (215) 476-3795 to learn more.

If you have any questions about inventory or bulk discounts please call us at (215) 476-3795

  •  Bulk Discounts!
  • Wholesale Discounts!
  • School, Church and Not-for-profit Discounts!
  • Sports Team Discounts!
  • Business Discounts!
  • Back to School Discounts!
  • Family Discounts!

Kawral Fouta New Items!

I-Phone Chargers for $5

I-Pad Chargers for $5

Any Phone Charger for $5

Handsets start at $5

Headphones start at $5

Phone cases start at $5

School Back-Packs start at $10

And there are discounts if you buy multiple items!


New Low Prices!

Below is the list of retail prices — but you can get less for wholesale — please call the manager at 215-476-3795 for more information!

Tank tops $5 per pack of 3

Button Down Shirts as low as $15

Shirts with Summer Designs as low as $25

Thermals tops as low as $5

Cargo shirts as low as $15

Long sleeve button down shirts as low as $20

Short sleeve button down shirts as low as $20


V-neck T-Shirts as low as $5

Tank Top T-shirts as low as $5

Standard Round Neck as low as $4


Men’s Jeans as low as $20

Bluejeans as low as $20

Men’s Shorts as low as $15

Cargo pants as low as $20


Girls Socks as low as $8 per pack of 12

Boys Socks as low as $8 per pack of 12

Kid’s socks (Multi-colored, plain white) as low as $8 per pack of 12

Men’s Socks as low as $10 per pack – but talk to us about even lower


Men’s belts as low as $5

Women’s Belts as low as $5


Boxer shorts as low as $5 for pack of 3

Boxer briefs as low as $5 for pack of 2


We also sell phone cards in the following denominations:

$2 phone cards

$3 phone cards

$5 phone cards

Below is the list of retail prices — but you can get less for wholesale — please call the manager at 215-476-3795 for more information!

Tank tops $5 per pack of 3

Button Down Shirts as low as $15

Shirts with Summer Designs as low as $25

Thermals tops as low as $5

Cargo shirts as low as $15

Long sleeve button down shirts as low as $20

Short sleeve button down shirts as low as $20


V-neck T-Shirts as low as $5

Tank Top T-shirts as low as $5

Standard Round Neck as low as $4


Men’s Jeans as low as $20

Bluejeans as low as $20

Men’s Shorts as low as $15

Cargo pants as low as $20


Girls Socks as low as $8 per pack of 12

Boys Socks as low as $8 per pack of 12

Kid’s socks (Multi-colored, plain white) as low as $8 per pack of 12

Men’s Socks as low as $10 per pack – but talk to us about even lower


Men’s belts as low as $5

Women’s Belts as low as $5


Boxer shorts as low as $5 for pack of 3

Boxer briefs as low as $5 for pack of 2


We also sell phone cards in the following denominations:

$2 phone cards

$3 phone cards

$5 phone cards

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